Valamud, segistid ja köögitehnika Fosterilt
Ultima Thule Interiorsi köökides on kasutusel kõrge kvaliteediga ...
Ultima Thule Interiors is focused on the production of bespoke kitchens and wardrobes, dining and sofa tables, detailed furniture elements. High quality and Northern crisp style are characteristics of the company's models.
Ultima Thule Interiors furniture production process combines the possibilities of high-tech equipment with masterful craftsmanship. Good cooperation is carried out with internationally recognized materials, fittings and kitchen appliances partners. Ultima Thule Interiors furniture series uses the most durable and strongest furniture materials and fitting series. The worktops are made of unique natural or artificial stone, ceramics or high-tech compact laminate according to the customer's wishes. In terms of kitchen appliances, the customer is offered the most modern, high quality and functional solutions. An unrestricted choice of models, measures and functionalities gives flexibility in the design of the room and allows to create design furniture for the most demanding tastes.

Funktsionaalse disainiga valamud ja töötasapinna lahendused
We start with visualization
First, we visualize the idea together with you or your chosen interior architect. We will find out exactly how you imagine your home - what are the desired tones, materials, solutions and techniques. Knowing your tastes, beliefs and expectations, we can improve your idea. After the meeting, we will sketch a sketch from which you will see your idea really come to life for the first time.
Arhitektile & sisearhitektile
Oleme kõrge kvaliteediga Fosteri toodete maaletoojad ja asjatundjad. Aitame kokku panna terviklikud toodete komplektid ja teostame kõige keerukamad eritellimuslahendused.